Hello Lady!
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to join our #SheDidThat! campaign. This is a first of its kind digital campaign to facilitate you, Madam Counsel, to recognize and honour your own achievements. We are, many times, coy about talking about ourselves. We hide behind the ‘humble brag’, at best whispering about who we are, what we do and what we have achieved and at worst, saying nothing at all. When we joined the legal profession, we wanted to grow and thrive; we sought to be included at tables and to enjoy, equitably, the joys that come with fulfilling our dreams of being lawyers. We cannot be included if we cannot be seen. This campaign is for us to boldly say, “I did/do this and I am proud of what I achieved.”
This Women’s month, we join the International Women’s Day (IWD)2025 campaign theme to ‘Accelerate Action’. This campaign accelerates the Kenyan woman lawyer’s journey of growth by facilitating self-advocacy where her legal career is concerned. Our #SheDidThat! tool allows you to upload a picture of yourself and three achievements that you would like to celebrate. It then generates a pre-designed self-congratulatory message that will be shared on your LinkedIn account automatically.
Our hope is that you will be motivated by your own achievements to update your resumė and LinkedIn profile and that you will be emboldened to speak up for yourself unapologetically the next time you are seeking a new position or a promotion. Do know, Madam Wakili, that your audacity to define what you deem to be an achievement and to celebrate yourself will accelerate action amongst the many other women, lawyers and non-lawyers, who you inspire. Yes, you are inspiring. Fill in #SheDidThat! tool here.
Additionally, this month we host edifying conversations in the live recordings of our Winning At Law Podcast where we interview three outstanding women who have navigated and emerged on top in their particular specialties. We shall also run an online masterclass on Positioning for Advancement with a Personal Branding expert and a Career Coach with experience in the legal profession. Email “Here!” to info@jurorbox.com for a link to our Live Podcast session and Positioning for Advancement masterclass.
We look forward to toasting you this month!
Inspired by You
The LawDown Africa.