Vacancies in the office of the Judge of the High Court of the Republic of Kenya


PURSUANT to section 30 of the Judicial Service Act and section 3 Part II of the First Schedule, of the Judicial Service Act, 2011, I Martha K. Koome, Chief Justice of the Republic of Kenya, for and on behalf of the Judiciary of Kenya, declare vacancies in the Office of Judge of the High Court of the Republic of Kenya.

Job details

  • Job title:Judge of the High Court Five
  • Number of posts: (5) posts
  • Tenure of Office:Retirement at the age of seventy (70) years with the option for early retirement after attaining the age of sixty–five (65) years in accordance with Article 167 (1) of the Constitution of Kenya.
  • Remuneration and Benefits:Based on guidelines by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission of Kenya, Gross Monthly Remuneration Package excluding benefits is Minimum of KSh. 750,000.00 and a Maximum of KSh. 1,029,691.00

Functions of the Judge of the High Court:

A Judge of the High Court shall serve in the High Court of Kenya. The function and jurisdiction of the Court is provided for under Article 165 (3) and (7) of the Constitution of Kenya, namely;

  1. unlimited original jurisdiction in criminal and civil matters;
  2. jurisdiction to determine the question whether a right or fundamental freedom in the Bill of Rights has been denied, violated, infringed or threatened;
  3. jurisdiction to hear an appeal from a decision of a tribunal appointed under the Constitution to consider the removal of a person from office, other than a tribunal appointed under Article 144;
  4. jurisdiction to hear any question respecting the interpretation of the Constitution including the determination of—
    • the question whether any law is inconsistent with or in contravention of the Constitution;
    • the question whether anything said to be done under the authority of the Constitution or of any law is inconsistent with, or in contravention of, the Constitution;
    • any matter relating to constitutional powers of State organs in respect of County Governments and any matter relating to the constitutional relationship between the levels of Government; and
  5. a question relating to conflict of laws under Article 191; and
  6. any other jurisdiction, original or appellate, conferred on it by legislation.
  7. The High Court has supervisory jurisdiction over the subordinate courts and over any person, body or authority exercising a judicial or quasi-judicial function, but not over a superior court.

Constitutional and Statutory Requirements for Appointment:

For appointment to the position of Judge of the High Court, the applicant must possess the following minimum qualifications set out in Article 166 (2) (a), (b) and (c) as read with Sub Article (5) (a) (b) and (c) of the Constitution of Kenya, namely:

  1. Hold a law degree from a recognized university, or be an advocate of the High Court of Kenya, or possess an equivalent qualification in a Common-law jurisdiction;
  2. Have at least ten (10) years’ experience as a superior court judge or a professionally qualified magistrate;
    • Have at least ten (10) years’ experience as a distinguished academic, or legal practitioner or such experience in other relevant legal field; or
    • Have held the qualifications specified in paragraphs 2 (a) and (b) above for a period amounting, in the aggregate, to ten (10) years; and
    • Possess the experience required under paragraph 2 (a), (b) and (c) above as applicable, irrespective of whether that experience was gained in Kenya or in another Commonwealth Common-Law jurisdiction.
  3. Have a high moral character, integrity and impartiality (meet the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity).

In addition, the applicants should demonstrate a high degree of professional competence, communication skills, fairness, good temperament, good judgment, wide breath of both legal and life experience and demonstrable commitment to public and community service. The appointment shall be made in accordance with Article 166 (1) (b), (2) and (5) of the Constitution of Kenya and section 30, Part V and the First Schedule of the Judicial Service Act, 2011.
Interested and qualified persons are invited to visit the Commission’s jobs portal: for instructions on how to apply.

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