Job Purpose
The position is responsible for the registration of political parties and implementation of ORPP decentralized functions including maintaining synergy between headquarters, regional offices, county offices and relevant stakeholders This position can be deployed to either:
i. Headquarters (Registration department)
ii. Field Services (Regional/ County Offices)
Job Specification
At the headquarters duties and responsibilities will entail:
i. Implement procedures and guidelines for provisional and full registration of Political Parties;
ii. Research and draft checklist for provisional and full registration;
iii. Scrutinize applications for provisional and full registration of Political Parties in accordance with the Political Parties Act;
iv. Research and prepare draft statutory documents for publication in the Gazette and advertisement in the newspaper as provided for in law;
v. Prepare correspondences to the applicants with regard to registration of Political Parties;
vi. Advise applicants on the registration of political parties and change of particulars;
vii. Compile status reports on the registration of political parties and draft activity reports;
viii. Update the political parties register; and
ix. Scrutinize the coalition and merger agreements in line with the Act.
At the Regional/County Offices, the specific duties and responsibilities will entail:
i. Mobilization of stakeholders and partners for Capacity building at the county level;
ii. Maintain regular communication with Political Parties on matters affecting management of Political Parties;
iii. Conduct periodic visitation to political parties’ county offices to verify office locations, and adherence to registration requirements;
iv. Verify the availability of political party records at the county level;
v. Verify the existence of political party offices at the county levels and adherence to compliance requirements;
vi. Maintain proper Office records;
vii. Prepare monthly operational reports and special activity reports;
viii. Draft and undertake research on registration of political parties; and
ix. Participate in political party’s sensitization activities.
Person Specification
i. Bachelor’s Degree in any of the following disciplines: Law, Public Administration, Business Administration, Education, Political Science/Social Science, or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
ii. Proficiency in Computer Applications; and
iii. Met the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution
How to Apply:
1. Qualified persons interested in the above positions can access the role profiles, qualifications and
experience requirements detailed on our website at
2. Candidates are requested to make their applications by completing two copies of ORPP job
application form. The application form can be downloaded from the ORPP website
3. Candidates should submit their applications (physical) together with a cover letter, detailed
curriculum vitae, Copy of the National ID, Certified copies of academic and professional certificates,
testimonials, and any other relevant supporting documents to reach the Office on or before, 5.00. pm
March 25th, 2025.
4. Applications should be addressed to:
Registrar of Political Parties
Office of the Registrar of Political Parties
Lion Place, 4th Floor
Karuna Close, Waiyaki Way, Westlands
P. O. Box 1131-00606
5. The applicant’s envelope should quote the Vacancy Reference Number of the position they are
applying for.
ORPP is an equal opportunity employer.
ORPP is committed to implementing the provisions of the Constitution – Chapter 232 (1) on fair competition
and merit, representation of Kenya’s diverse communities and affording equal employment opportunities to
men and women, members of all ethnic groups and persons with disabilities. Therefore, women, youth,
the marginalized and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Only shortlisted candidates
will be contacted. Canvassing in any form will lead to automatic disqualification.