Environment And Land Court Commemorates 10 Years with a Conference on Environment Land Justice

The Environment Land Court (ELC) will next week hold a National Environment and Land Conference as the specialized court commemorates its 10-year anniversary. The conference will also discuss major achievements and constraints in the execution of the court’s mandate. The week-long conference will be held under the theme ‘ELC@10 – Looking back and moving forward […]
CBK Calls for Public Input into Financial Derivatives Regulations 2022

Interested parties in the financial derivatives regulations 2022, have a week to submit their comments on the draft regulations. The deadline for the submission of the feedback to the Kenya Revenue Authority Commissioner general is the 30th of this month. The Finance Act 2022 introduced a 15% withholding tax on income from financial derivatives contracts […]
Parliament Approves a Motion to See Future Road Construction Projects Include Tree Planting

Dagoretti South MP John Kiarie has moved a motion that will require the national government to include a component of tree planting in all road network designs & also makes it compulsory for road contractors to replace any tree harvested during road construction upon completion of the project. The motion through the departmental committee on […]
Kenya Accredited to Join the Global Privacy Assembly

Kenya has been accredited to join the Global Privacy Assembly. This happened during the 44th Session of the #GPA2022 held from 25th -28th October 2022 in Istanbul Turkey. The Global Privacy Assembly seeks to provide leadership in data protection and #privacy by connecting the efforts of more than 130 data protection authorities across the globe. […]
Insurers Cannot Now Discriminate Against People Suffering from Mental Health

Insurance companies in Kenya are now bound to provide insurance services and pay claims to and for people suffering from mental health. This follows the amendments to the Mental Health Act, which was passed into law in June. The Act has made it illegal to discriminate against mental illness patients in insurance policies. Section 3 […]
Translation Of Small Claims Court Handbook to Swahili Among Efforts by Judiciary to Increase Access to Justice

The Judiciary has remained consistent in its bid to increase access to justice. The Small Claims Court Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) handbook has now been translated into Swahili to make it more user friendly to more people. Titled ‘Mahakama Ya Madai Madogo’, The Court had the handbook translated into Swahili to provide general information on […]
Mombasa Based Law Firm Offers Probono Legal Services During Annual LSK Legal Week

At least five women from Mombasa region will benefit from probono legal services in line with the Law Society of Kenya legal week and thanks to E.M. Mvoi & Company Advocates. The firm owned and run by Elizabeth Mvoi – Mwasaru, an advocate of the High Court, has reached out to at least five women […]
Equity Bank Ordered to Pay Eric Nyadida Ksh 5 million in Landmark Ruling

Eric Nyadida is finally the hope of many young creative Kenyans who have lost hope of ever reaping benefits from their creative work. This is after the High Court ruled in his favour, in a ten- year long legal battle with Equity Bank. The lender has been ordered to pay Eric Obiero Nyadida KES 5 […]
Judiciary To Roll Out 25 Registries in the Financial Year 2023/2024

Mediation by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Pix4free The Mediation Task Force appointed to oversee the establishment and roll out of the Court Annexed Mediation, will establish 15 Registries in the financial year 2022/2023 and a further 25 in the financial year 2023/2024. Established in 2017, the Court Annexed Mediation (CAM) is one of the […]
Inter-Parliamentary Union IPU, meets in Rwanda to Deliberate Over Gender Sensitive Parliaments as Drivers of Change

The Parliament of Rwanda is hosting the 145th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and its related meetings in Kigali from this week, where more than 1200 delegates, will hold discussions on the theme ‘Gender equality and gender-sensitive parliaments as drivers of change for a more resilient and peaceful world’. The delegation which includes some […]